The day before the exam: Both parent and child should remain calm. Parents should not place pressure on the child at last minute. Put the books and pencils down and relax. Spend time with the child and do things that the child likes, for example, take a walk, play a game or cook the child's favourite meal. Reassure him that things would be all right, no matter what the results are.
The day of the exam: Parents should not wait at the child's school. This gets the child nervous and stressed. Parents should not call on their child's cell phone asking them questions about the exam. Both parent and child should avoid becoming nervous. Children must understand that "this too shall pass;" it is just one step that they must take.
After the exam: Parents should learn relaxation techniques. Parents should take time off from their busy schedules and spend with their children. Parents should encourage their children in extra-curricular activities, not only academics, to help them to relax their minds and bodies. Parents should remember to praise their children no matter what the results are and where they are placed. Remind them that they still have their support and love. After the exam, children should spend a few quite minutes, saying to themselves, "I am loveable and capable. No matter what my parents are doing to me, I am okay, I'll be all right." Children must not compare answers after they have left the exam room. This can become stressful.
International Stress Management Association(ISMA)
By Dr Dawn Hamiltion
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